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Kalapuwa Sri Boys Orphanage
Columbo, Sri Lanka
Kalapuwa Sri Project involves the design and documentation of a new orphanage facility located near the city of Colombo in Sri Lanka. The new facility will more than double the capacity of the existing Sumadra Sri Orphanage.

Educate 2 Envision Academy of Excellence for Girls
Esquias, Honduras
Educate 2 Envision empowers girls in rural Honduras through education. Caron Architecture partnered with AWBS to put together a team of designers, with additional volunteers joining from disciplines such as landscape design and engineering.

Joyland Prime Academy
Mombasa, Kenya
The Joyland Prime Academy was founded in 2008 with the mission to provide free education to vulnerable children in the region and to help move people out of poverty.
Mission of Hope
Bong County, Liberia
International Christian Fellowship's Mission of Hope School will provide learning space for a community on a 500 acre campus. The AWBS team worked to develop a master plan and schematic design...

Rabuor Village Vocational
Training Center
Rabuor Village, Kenya
This project involved designing a two-building complex to create a community resource center for a Kenyan community impacted by HIV/AIDS. Programming in the center will help teach a range of skills including using computers to culinary arts.

Child Academy
Tembisa Township, South Africa
AWB's help was requested to develop a design concept to build a security wall to surround the school to keep students safe from random violence. The school also sought landscape support to create opportunities for food cultivation.

Croix-des-Bouquets, Haiti
This project is providing site assessment, master planning, and design services to build a sustainable primary school for 220 children who don’t have access to education, in an underprivileged community of Croix-des-bouquets.

San Miguel Escobar
San Miguel Escobar, Guatemala
AWB-Seattle is supporting this community with the design of a new school complex and vocational training center. This project will serve as a prototype for sustainable, community-built education and local enterprise facilities in Guatemala.
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